"Opriti timpul! Vreau sa cobor..."


Asteptam trenul ca pe o resuscitare. Radeam infrigurati, desenand cu aburi peisaje interioare. Ne faceam promisiuni grabiti si neatenti, cu ochii mereu la sine. Pareau atat de fluide, incat nu m-ar fi mirat daca ar fi trecut printre noi, separandu-ne ca un gand.
Uite...vine. Oare a fost aici dintotdeauna?
Un tren amar - ca o linie intrerupta. Singurul reper care mai poarta timpul nostru, blocandu-l in aceeasi bucla reversibila...

7 comentarii:

Elalu spunea...

si am cules din gradina sufletului tau fericire cat sa o sorb o viata si-o neviata..

Dana spunea...

Frumoase poze, faine ganduri...

Minu Blue spunea...

Multumesc, Dana!
Azi m-am plimbat printre gandurile tale... Ce racoare peste sufletul meu...
Cu drag

Unknown spunea...
Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.
Unknown spunea...

great pictures,which make me so sad...
I would like to leave too
anyway you looks great with loose hair :P
Greetings Cristina :)/

Minu Blue spunea...

bartek :)
thank you very much for your comment. And for remebering me and my stories.
About the photos? They're my inner world...Some parts of reality have an unbearable beauty...
Hugs, minu Cristina

Unknown spunea...

it was really hard to write here something as I've forgotten to write down your contact adresses:( I remmembered only "minu":)
I felt devastated and in need to write something to you,and I've finally found you on last.fm!:)))
why is your inner world so sad?Beautiful but sad (like mine:()
what does MINU mean?
Hope to see you again